
Additionally, I'm glad:
4. I'm young and don't have much ( to loose) yet. I do not have to
wake up each day seeing my 401k shreaded to bits
5.My parents do not have to as well-- one with a pension the other
with money in a mandatory provident fund (which cannot loose money--
and bound by law to give a MIN 2ish %return yearly ... It's about 5ish
on average).
6.I did not end up purchasing a house. When prices retreat to 2001
prices , then I'll do something.

Just for fun; 3 things of value in a Depression... Besides food water
1. Cigarates
2. Beer/alcohol
3. Guns & ammo.

(3)is not because I'm painting a post apocalyptic, post collapse of
govt, state of anarchy: but you would seriously want some solid self
defense to protect your self,family, and the meager supplies you have.


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